Laser Defender – Defenders of Earth

laser_titleThis final project was a group effort between myself, Boris, Chris and Dorian. The requirements were to create a laser defender clone with health, level win requirements and score visible for the player. There were some additional requirements we could have done for extra credit, but trying to get our levels looking like they came from the same game proved to require a bit more effort than I had anticipated.


Each of the levels have a different type of win condition. Chris was in charge of Level 1, you need to reach the finish line. He was able to incorporate a variety of enemy strengths and lasers. Don’t try killing the boss in the center – you can’t!

Dorian was in charge of Level 2, he designed the ship for the game, but was unable to finish his level due to other open projects… he may come back to it soon.


Boris was in charge of level 3, he created an interesting boss enemy that had a different type of enemy laser… it actually changed the play of his level considerably. Boris also created an interactive exhaust effect coming from the player ship along with particle collisions, explosions and lasers for both enemy and player ships.


I was in charge of Level 4. Something that I was adamant about was getting the player ship to move vertically throughout the level. This was achieved by adding clamps to the Main Camera, Player Ship and Enemy Formations. I also edited the enemy artwork and prefabs for the game, using a commercial free vector file I found on-line. I’ve included a shot of the original vector sheet at the bottom of this page, along with a link to it’s creator. The backgrounds were a lot of fun to make. They were spliced together in Photoshop, built from commercial free images of stars and galaxies. It was long enough to span all four levels, ending up at 500 inches long.

I wish we had enough time to add a ship select option, power-ups and more laser variety. Eventually, it might be fun to make a survival version of this game running the length of the background.

Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop CS 5.5, Adobe Illustrator CS 5, Unity 5.4 & Monodevelop


Game Design Document PDF

Project Plan and Contract Document PDF

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Laser Defender Work In Progress Video:


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Please use this link to play Laser Defender and see the game’s Update Log without leaving my website.

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Additional Screenshots:




Screen shot of the Sprite Sheet Used for this Game:

(coming soon)