Starting Spring Semester 2018

Starting Spring Semester 2018

I felt like I finished terribly last spring.  I took on too many projects, too many jobs, and I got overloaded to the point where I couldn’t complete my classes the way I’d like to.  I still finished with a satisfactory GPA, but I definitely missed out on understanding one of the most important concepts related to 3d artwork production.  Character creation and rigging.

I have yet to finish an entire character, materials and all, so that will be a goal of mine for this semester.  Finish what I started.  I have too many characters modeled to not have a single one ready to go in game.

This semester I’m taking Level Design, Java, Programming for Interactive Development and Business Ethics.  I’m excited about the line-up.  It’s going to be a lot of work – but I live for it.

Here’s to the start of a new semester full of learning goodness.

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