Game Design Projects

These are projects that were developed for my intro to programming and intro to game design courses at Montgomery College in Maryland.


Laser Defender

My fourth game design project.  This was a combined effort between four students.  It is an arkanoid clone.  Pretty simple in the application, but a lot of work went into the design of each level.

Block Breaker : Asteroid Smash

My third game design project.  This one was a team effort.  A block breaker game with a unique twist.  Break asteroids to make way for the intergalactic speed ways!

Text Adventure : Murder E.S.

My second game design project.  A survival horror themed text adventure where the player wakes up with no memories of the night before.

Number Wizard : Monster Candy Party

My first game design project.  A number wizard game where the player selects a number, and the game character tries to guess it!